Preissner Engineering & Consulting, LLC offers a wide range of services to clients across a variety of industries. Our deeply knowledgeable and professional team has worked with customers from almost every sector to help them create the reliable, high-quality designs that they need.
We apply industry-leading tools, processes, and technology to every project. Our extensive experience and knowledge position us as a valued and respected partner for consulting, engineering, and design services.
PEC’s Commitment to Communication
We understand that our customers choose to work with us out of a range of other possible companies. We value being that choice and are honored by the trust that our clients put in us. We treat every customer with respect and consideration, whether it is for a single project or long-term relationship. We strive for and prioritize good two-way communication. We tell customers not only the good news but help them deal with difficult situations when challenges arise. Our goal is to make every customer a repeat customer.
New ideas, new technologies; the world is full of them. We are hired to bring those new concepts to the project and to be the technical experts. Our team can not only explain these complicated concepts but can also effectively apply them to meet your needs and goals. Whether during a project or at its end, there is always a need for documentation. We take pride in our ability to provide top-quality reports and presentations.
In our communication, we don’t just hand you a stack of paper with a lot of words and colored charts and expect you to figure it out. We provide the background understanding that makes this information actionable and useable. Additionally, projects almost never a “single tier.” When you make us part of your team, we can be your technical voice to your end customer or suppliers, ensuring that there is understanding at every level.
We are your integrated team player for analysis and communication is the foundation of that teamwork. We will work with you to solve your problem in a way that fits your needs and capabilities. For more information about our services or capabilities, please don’t hesitate to contact us or request a quote today.