Without the proper testing and data, projects run the risk of design flaws, safety concerns, and higher than necessary costs. Internationally recognized companies rely on the industry-leading tools and engineering consulting services provided by PEC because our team has extensive experience spanning a variety of industries, offering a comprehensive package of testing services and the capacity to apply our expertise at any phase of project development.

The versatility of our specialized tools and equipment allows us to adapt to the unique needs of nearly any customer or application. Our service portfolio includes design analysis, prototype testing, strength analysis, and cost reduction analysis.

Design Analysis

To help guide design development and fabrication processes for our customers, our engineers carefully analyze existing design efficacy. From this analysis, we are able to provide guidance related to design features, tolerances, and material selection.

Physical Testing

Physical testing is conducted after prototype development to determine if the design and materials used will function within the application environment. Physical testing includes verification, validation, and interpretation of physical test results. These results often lead to design improvements or alternative material suggestions.

Strength Analysis

PEC also conducts detailed strength analyses on individual parts, various stages of assembly, and full assembly during prototype runs. Our comprehensive strength analysis includes:

  • Linear
  • Nonlinear
  • Dynamic
  • Composite laminate analysis
  • Progressive ply failure

Cost Reduction Analysis

We also assist in optimizing designs, materials, and processes to reduce the overall cost of production. Our analysis includes optimization of the design structure to utilize the minimum amount of materials while maintaining optimal performance. To accomplish this goal, we utilize digital prototyping to save time and money in prototype production. We follow this with physical testing and strength analysis of the optimized prototype.


Contact us to learn more about our comprehensive portfolio of testing capabilities.